InH-INSIDERSbyNeeti DevkotaFrom Kathmandu to Ca’TronFor a 19-year-old girl, moving alone from Nepal to Italy (Kathmandu to Ca’Tron) was a dream come true. I have always been a girl wanting…Feb 8, 2024
InH-INSIDERSbyCamillamainardiVertical farming: a new approach to cultivateIn a world where we observe a striking growth in population and urbanization, it’s simple to overlook the origins of our food. However…Oct 17, 2023
InH-INSIDERSbyGinevra BenacchioA sneak peek inside the mind of Riccardo DonadonI never thought about giving up because I would never dare to be the person who tells a young man that in Italy you can’t do the things…Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
InunbuttonbyUnbuttonThe Proustian Series — Episode 7Un’intervista con Shadi ParsaJul 2, 2020Jul 2, 2020
InNomad InterviewbyRiccardo GioratoMaurizio Rossi — co-founder of H-FARMR: To start would you like to give a brief introduction of yourself.Jan 18, 2017Jan 18, 2017
InH-INSIDERSbyNeeti DevkotaFrom Kathmandu to Ca’TronFor a 19-year-old girl, moving alone from Nepal to Italy (Kathmandu to Ca’Tron) was a dream come true. I have always been a girl wanting…Feb 8, 2024
InH-INSIDERSbyCamillamainardiVertical farming: a new approach to cultivateIn a world where we observe a striking growth in population and urbanization, it’s simple to overlook the origins of our food. However…Oct 17, 2023
InH-INSIDERSbyGinevra BenacchioA sneak peek inside the mind of Riccardo DonadonI never thought about giving up because I would never dare to be the person who tells a young man that in Italy you can’t do the things…Apr 28, 2023
InNomad InterviewbyRiccardo GioratoMaurizio Rossi — co-founder of H-FARMR: To start would you like to give a brief introduction of yourself.Jan 18, 2017
InNomad InterviewbyRiccardo GioratoIs it good to throw yourself into an innovation camp at H-Farm?This a different interview because I interview Riccardo Martignon one of my classmate at university that have recently joined a fast…Jul 21, 2016